Wednesday, July 9, 2008


I had a nightmare last night. It was one of those dreams where you can't run, you can't scream and you know that you will not win.

The earth was crumbling, falling apart at the seams, apocalyptic if that is the word you want to use. I found myself trudging through the ruins of my school and the broken alleys of my locality. A voice whispered in my head telling me not to speak. The voice told me not to open my mouth. If I did, whatever it was that was destroying the world would enter me too, and I would dis-integrate like everything else around me.

I was not alone.

She was tall and beautiful and I saw the fear in her eyes. We were like the last of the sane. I didn't want to let her go and I felt that she thought the same.

Red dust everywhere and the world was coming to an end. I suddenly saw the lane that led down to my house and sprang forth. At the gate I turned back and saw her still standing at the steps a few paces back.

She had spoken? I was not sure as her eyes still had the warmth and she started walking towards me.

But I was not sure.

I picked up two long twigs and set up a crucifix pointing at her. That was when I was sure.

The warmth faded away and her skin paled when she saw the sign. Her fangs were drawn and I realised that her love for me was no more. I crept back and fled to my door. I felt her icy breath float towards me as soon as I turned my back.

In my house I saw my grandmother lying still on a couch and I wanted to wake her and ask her if she still had that vial of "holy water" she always kept but then I felt her cold body, limp and without life. Just like that cold January night seven years back. I didn't want to turn back even though I felt something standing at the doorway.

I didn't turn back and clutched the twigs in my hand and said a silent prayer in my heart.

I woke up and it was three in the morning.

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